Finished feed bag
Want to make tote bags from your feed bags? It can be any feed bags you have available, chicken, dog, sheep, rabbit, goat, horse, or even cat.

Pick your bag
1. I wanted my finished bag 13″ tall. So, I measured 13” + 2″ for top hem + 4″ for a total of 19”. Why add 4” to the total rough height? To make the perfect square bottom. How do you figure out this measurement? No problem; measure the side width of your chosen bag, now use that number. My bag was 4” wide, therefore I added 4” to the bag height. It’s ok if this doesn’t make sense to you yet; it will soon enough. Cut and place the leftover bag pieces to the side; we will use it later.
2. Flip your bag inside out. Wash the bag now, if you haven’t already done so. Make sure to dry it well when your all finished.

Create the top seam
3. Create the top seam. Sew a straight line around the whole top of the bag.
4. Sew the bottom together with a straight stitch.

Find your corners at the bottom.
5. Find your corners at the bottom. Make your bottom corners into triangles. Now sew a straight seam across the widest part of the triangle. Repeat for the second corner.
6. Grab that leftover bag material; you need to cut a 3″ wide strip. Cut out the original glued seams from the strip.
7. Measure 1″ and fold on that line. Then fold the other side over so it just barely overlaps the first fold.
8. It should look something like this. Sew straight down the entire length.
9. Fold the finished strip over halfway, then cut the strip in half. You now have two handles!

Now we need to find your handle placement. Then do a little math depending on the size of the bag. Mine was 4″ from each side.
10. Now we need to find your handle placement. Find your cutter then work your way out from there. Mine was 4″ from each side.

Sew handles on. Run an x pattern across the bottom of the handle just to make sure it’s super strong.
11. Sew the handles on. I double stitched for strength. Then I ran an X-pattern on the bottom of each handle, just to give it extra strength and durability.

Your bag should now be all assembled.
12. Your bag should now be all assembled and resemble like the above picture.
13. Flip your bag right side out and fold your corners down to lay flat at the bottom.
14. You can also add cardboard or a tuff surface to the inside bottom to add strength.
The finished product is one to be proud of. The bag is great for carrying almost anything and will last years to come.
These little bags are perfect to take to the pool or beach! Everything stays dry, yet the bags are super easy to spray out if they become soiled with sand, juice, or food. A small snap button can be added to the top center for a little closure if you desire.
Follow Carrie on Facebook, Miller Micro Farm, Community Chickens, and Mother Earth News.
I made one of these a couple of years ago. It may work for a towel and suntan lotion but don’t expect it to hold much more. The handles just can’t handle much of a load.
Absolutely! One will need to reinforce the stitching in order to make it hold more weight.