Building a coop is probably the biggest expense you’ll invest in keeping chickens. And it’s best to do it right the first time. If you have a well designed coop it will aid in ease of cleaning, protect your flock and add charm to your property. It’s good to do a lot of research before you begin. This Guide to Backyard Coops will cover topics like; things to consider before you build, elements to include in your coop, using re-purposed materials, and lots and lots of coop tours all categorized by design. It also covers ways to make cleaning your coop fast, easy and effective.
Things to consider before you get building.
This is a great list of posts that help you think about what to include in your coop before you start building. Many of these coop posts are from people who have raised chickens for years and have learned what works and what doesn’t. If you’re planning to build your first coop take advantage of their experience and know-how. These posts discuss design elements, checklists to make sure you include the important things, help with determining the size of your coop and even a book to check out, all about building coops.
The Makings of a Great Coop! 7 Things to Get You Started
Planning Coop Space for the Expanding Flock
“Taking Stock” -Accomplishments & Plans
Top 7 Things to Consider When Deciding on a Chicken Coop
Planning the Coop is All Washed Out!
Book Review: Reinventing The Chicken Coop
Re-purposed Coops
Using re-purposed materials to build a coop can save you time and money. It also gives new life to something that might otherwise be considered trash. Learn how to alter existing structures into functional coops, use free materials in creative ways and open your expectations as to what a “typical” chicken coop can be.
DIY chicken coop, re-purposed material
Cool Coops! – Recycled Counter Coop
Cool Coops! – Re-purposed Trailer
Cool Coops! – Re-purposed Car Coop
Multi-Task Renewable Resources
Green Coops
These coop have amazing “green” elements about them. Whether it’s a living roof growing with chicken friendly plants, or a solar powered heating element. Learn how you can raise chickens and help the planet with your coop design.
Going Green: Planting a Living Chicken Coop Roof
Cool Coops! ~ The Green Chicken Coop
Cool Coops: Solar Powered and Full of Gadgets!
Cool Coops! ~ Solar Power Chicken Coop
These posts are all about making your coop charming. Pick up decorating ideas to make your coop unique, personal and beautiful! There’s even a Holiday tour of coops decorated for Christmas!
Classic Cottage Flowers for Your COOP
What’s In A Name? Naming Your Flock and Coop
Making a Chicken Coop into a Chicken Home
Holiday Cyber Chicken Coop Tour
Coop Elements
Chickens need more than four walls and a roof to keep them happy. Elements like roosts, nest boxes, outdoor runs and dust bath boxes all make for happy healthy chickens.
Also learn about using products like Linoleum, Tyvek and Plexiglass to make your coop functional.
Coop Planning: Five Features to Incorporate into Your Coop
Community Creativity – Using Tyvek in the Coop
Plexiglas Windows for Natural Light
Every coop needs roosts for chickens to sleep on at night. Take a look at some different roost options.
The Early Bird Gets Her Preferred Spot On The Roost – Sometimes!
The Importance of Roosts for Chicks
Would a Hen on a Roost be a Rooster?
Egg Boxes
Egg boxes give you chickens a place to lay their eggs. A well built box that’s easy to clean will ensure that you always collect fresh, clean eggs.
“What Would You Do?” Getting Chickens to Use a Nest Box
The Nesting Boxes That Bill Built

Building the “A” Frame
These posts break down the specifics of designing and building a coop for your flock.
How to Make a Coop: Chicken Housing Design Creates Small, Portable Solution
The Perfect Chicken Coop for Any Space
Moving a Coop
Sometimes life changes and we must move to a new place, but that’s no reason to leave your chickens behind. Learn how to move with chickens and take your coop with you.
Moving the Coop, 40 Chickens, 40 Miles West
Coop Tours
Coop tours are the best way to gather inspiration. Take these tours categorized by design and be inspired to build your dream coop

These coops have a bit of whimsy, whether it’s fantastic art work, beach themes, or colorful decoration.
Cool Coops! ~ Hobbit Hole Chicken Coops
Campbell’s Soup Chicken Coop: Mmm, Mmm Good!
Cool Coops! ~ The Chicken Castle
Coop Story: Visit Coop de Clucks Chalet
Coop Story: Visit Cluckingham Palace
These coops have an element of genius. They take functionality and design to a whole new level. Be inspired to make your coop truly unique.
Cool Coops! – Lucy’s Special Needs Coop
Cool Coops! ~ Double Deck Chicken Coop
Stories from Neighboring Coops: The Biodynamic Henhouse
These coops are adorable, yet functional. They would work in any backyard and offer great design and functionality.
Cool Coops! ~ The Chick Compound
Stories from Neighboring Coops: Courtney’s Coop
A Coop Story, Plus Our Readers Talk Turkey
Dollhouse Coops
These coops are just plain adorable. Any chicken would be considered lucky to live in one of these stylish coops.
Cool Coops! ~ Coopvilla in Coupville
Coop Story: Tour The Peep Hole!
Rustic Coops and Barn Themed Coops
These coops have more of a traditional barnyard feel. Whether it’s a classic barn red paint job, or a beautiful rustic stained wood.
Coop Story: Visit Dickie Bird Farm
Coop Story: Tour the Winter Lodge!
Cool Coops! – Bob Bowling Rustics
Chicken Tractors
Chicken tractors are wonderful for protecting your flock while allowing them to range around your yard. Check out these designs.
Coop Improvement
Even when you build a great coop, there’s always something that can be improved upon. Farms and flocks are always changing and the needs of your coop can change as well.
The Never-Ending Always Evolving Coop Updates
Coops with an inspiring story
These coops are inspired by a sense of community or have a beautiful story behind their construction.
Moving the Coop, 40 Chickens, 40 Miles West
Community Creativity: Daryl’s Coop Project
Coop Story: From Loss Comes a Sense of Community
Stories from Neighboring Coops: Two Brothers
These posts will help you carry out the dreaded chicken chore with ease. A fresh and clean environment is a healthy environment.
Cleaning checklists and maintenance
Keeping a Clean Coop for Healthy Chickens
Spring Cleaning: 11 Steps to a Clean Chicken Coop
5 Tips for a Cleaner Coop with Less Effort!
Bedding Options
Learn different options for bedding use with these great posts. Learn the pros and cons of each.
Recycled Christmas Tree Bedding
Deep Litter Method For Your Backyard Flock
The Deep Litter Bedding Method
Cleaning Products
Make DIY, natural cleaning products to keep your coop clean and smelling fresh.
11 Uses for Vinegar Around the Coop
Making Herbal Spray to Freshen the Coop
Cleaning your Coop the Natural Way
Coop elements that make cleaning easier
These design elements help making cleaning your coop a snap!
The Poop Hammock – Keeping Your Coop Clean
Share your coop design ideas by leaving a comment below, or visit the Community Chickens Facebook Page.
We were down to 1 hen and then got 3 more. How do I acclimate these three? the original one is VERY intimidating to the others. (won’t let them get in the roost!)
Would love to see an article on coops for 20 to 30 chickens. I’m expected to feed 9 people of our extended family. I saw Erin Phillips’ coop, but no diagram. Any help?
I love everyone sharing words and pictures for their COOP. Thanks and if I were not so old I’d start again and have my own Chickens. But now I have a raised garden as after Dying of Malaria and the LORD raising me from the dead I could not stoop with out it hurting a lot. So a raised garden was the key. I do not know how to do what the others have to share their projects so your out of luck with the garden.Be3