Call for Authors
Community Chickens is looking for authors who are interested in writing paid articles for the website. Have a topic that you really want to dig into and share with everyone? Look over the guidelines below and send in a query!! We look forward to working with you.

The chicken wanted to model for the camera.Shootingstar22
Creative #:902012976
COMMUNITY CHICKENS Writer’s Guidelines
We plan our issue content up to a year in advance. Our articles provide hands-on, useful information. Practicality is critical; freelance articles must be informative, well-documented, and tightly written in an engaging and energetic voice. For how-to articles, easy-to-understand instructions are essential.
To submit a query, send a 100-word synopsis of the idea and any relevant digital photos.
We’d also like to see samples of your writing, so direct us to your published articles online.
All queries should fall into one or more of the following topic areas:
Heritage Breeds
DIY poultry projects
Poultry Feed
Laying Flocks
Broiler Management
International chickens
Predator Management
Poultry other than Chickens
Dealing with weather
Incubators, chicks, brooders
Contact Information
Submissions should be sent via email to To submit by U.S. mail, send materials to the address below. We cannot be responsible for returning manuscripts, photos, illustrations, or other materials.
“Article Queries”
1503 SW 42nd St.
Topeka, KS 66609-1265
Backup Material Guidelines
Below is a list of the information we ask you to include when you turn in your article.
- Footnotes with links to electronic copies of the relevant pages from any articles, studies, or books that you reference. If some of your information is based on firsthand knowledge, please add notes to indicate that.
- Contact information for those quoted in the article.
- If your article includes any mathematical calculations, please include detailed notes showing exactly how you arrived at your numbers.
- Interview notes or e-mail records from any interviews you conducted.