The following 12 episodes have been designed for new and aspiring chicken owners. Charlotte French and Zach Foley chat in-depth about everything from hatching eggs and raising chicks to feeding, housing, and protecting adult birds.
Episode 1 – Choosing Your Breeds
Zach and Charlotte discuss various popular breeds, their attributes, and what resources are available to you to find out more.
Episode 2 – Where to Get Chicks
In this episode, our hosts discuss where you can purchase your poultry and why you may choose one over another.
Episode 3 – All About Incubation
Are you interested in incubating eggs yourself? In this episode, we discuss all that you need to know to have a successful hatch.
Episode 4 – Hatch Day
Zach and Charlotte discuss how to prepare yourself for hatching chicks.
Zach and Charlotte discuss spraddle leg, bumblefoot, stargazing, and other physical chick ailments.
Learn how to introduce new chicks to an existing flock.
In this episode, Zach and Charlotte discuss the rules of coop design and what your chickens need from their home to be both happy and healthy.
Episode 10 – Mobile Coop Considerations
Zach and Charlotte discuss different methods of keeping chickens in mobile coops.
Learn how to identify predators and prevent them from getting to your flock.
Discover the dietary needs of your meat birds.
For some additional information about different heritage chicken breeds, go to the Livestock Conservancy’s website.
Thank you to our sponsors for making these episodes possible!
Brinsea – Premier 1 Supplies – Standlee
These podcasts are a production of Ogden Publications and the MOTHER EARTH NEWS NETWORK.
1 Comment
i thought my chikens were cold so i put up a heat lamp for them and now thee losing feathers in mid winter what do i do now